Friday 28 November 2014

Carry on.

If we rebel we're Failures in society's eyes.

I extrapolate my feelings, but i can't change even if i tried.
I can hold my breath, I can fake a smile, I can force a laugh, and be a good machine like everyone else, I can do it.
They can throw their words, they're sharper than a knife.
You take a deep breath and walk through the doors you got to be able to look into everyone's eyes. Everyone's clouded by lies, they're up in smoke with lies that everyone hides behind every single day of our lives.
Be careful there are some that can peek through your lies and expose them to the world, fights happen, the teasing, the drama.
You got to act like you don't care, like you can't hear the words they say.
In This itty bitty town, there's nothing better to do.
Count to ten.
Take it in.
This is life.
The war outside my door keeps raging on, we pray to him to make it stop.
It hurts when you try to make things right, and all that they can see in you is Wrong.
I guess it's true what they say "Trust is like a paper, once it's crumpled it can be perfect again."

You walk through the halls, and everyone's eyes look at you, with disappointment.
 " Don't make me feel like that, I beg of you, please don't. " in my head**
Nobody will care until it's their turn and everyone's against them.
Nobody will ever know if a he or she is being tortured with the words from their mouths, because no one can speak there mind, not nowadays. They hide their emotions with the lies, fake smiles and what not.
Troubles grow as you recount them, let it go and carry on. Live in the moment, But rebels are failures in society's eyes.

I can hold my breath, but for how long ?
I can fake a smile, but behind it is everything you'll never understand.
I can force a laugh, but you won't know if it was real or not.

there's some things they'll never know.
At this moment I'm hiding what I'm feeling, but I'm tired of holding this inside my head.

But I smile and act like nothing's wrong, it's called "dealing with it and staying strong."

1 comment:

  1. Are you nuts? Some of the greatest heroes throughout history were rebels. Joan of Arc, Moses, George Washington, Louis Riel, Fidel Castro, Che Guevara, William Wallace, Robert the Bruce, Luke Skywalker (actually, Han Solo was a way bigger hero than Luke). You get the picture, though.

    I think you may be misusing the word, "Rebel", though. A Rebel (or a person who "rebels") is someone standing in opposition to a system that is inherently unfair and/or oppressive. Rebels are those who are being crushed under the boot of their overlords, and have the strength and conviction to rise up against their masters.

    Teenagers don't rebel, for the most part. What they do is push back against the rules and boundaries that our society imposes on them as perfectly normal, reasonable, and acceptable expectations.

    They test the limits of the authorities in their small, safe, and heavily protected world. That's not "rebelling"... That's growing up.

    Driving 10km/h over the speed limit is likely "pushing the limits", and will likely result in getting a stern lecture and possibly a warning from the police officer who pulled you over.

    Driving 40km/h over the speed limit is clearly "breaking the rules", and you can bet there will be consequences... You'll get a pretty hefty ticket, and probably a few other nasty things done to your license and insurance.

    "Testing limits" has become acceptable and expected among parents/kids. The key is to know where the boundary is.

    PS: Having people wait up past 3am, worried sick about you isn't "testing boundaries". There are definitely consequences for that.
