Tuesday, 1 March 2016

My strong moment

Someone asked me, Friday night
"do you want to drink bro?"
 um no thanks
 "well that's fucking lame"
mother fucker,
 You're calling me lame which means weak, and boring.
My original Friday nights I usually try to piece my life together, and sort out my problems.
Besides "bro" one time, when I was only 125 pounds, I killed half a 40 ounce of Smirnoff vodka in half a hour.
The next morning I woke up in the basement wearing only pants.
That shit isn't boring.
I can't drink
I'm allergic to alcohol every time I drink, I break out in handcuffs.
 One time I fell in a swamp and kicked down a door.
 To date I've flashed my boobs, jumped off a roof and went to the church half snapped,
so do not call me boring.
Once I forgot where I was going,
was escorted by boys carrying a jacket, a bag of munchies I stole,
with no shoes. and then they jumped me.
And one time I blacked out so hard
 that I slept with someone who wasn't my boyfriend and faced the depression
and drank for weeks after that.
and tried to hang myself after.
and one time I took more pills than I could remember
and I accepted I would be Dead with in the hour.
 so don't you dare call me weak.
I tried to kill myself  drunk, more times than you can count with your toes and fingers
So don't fucking call me weak, Because I'm still here
I've swallowed more times of regret than you have pumped blood through your body.
Tell my mom it was boring to look her first born in the eyes, to tell her,
 that if she drank one more time she would not be welcomed in this house
Tell my mother i am weak, she who has failed to hold back tears as she ripped a blade from my hands,
 she who has seen her daughter handcuffed to be put on suicidal watch, tell her I'm weak.

The strongest I've ever felt was the first time i said no to a drink.


  1. Mere words cannot express how proud of you I am right now.

    We still miss you.

  2. thanks, I'm proud of myself too and I'm coming for a visit on spring break. So see you then

  3. Right on. You've got our number, and if the truck is home I'm around.
